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Security Factors Influencing End Users' Adoption of E-Government
Alharbi N, Papadaki M, Haskell-Dowland PS (Dowland PS)
Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transaction (JITST), Volume 3, Issues 3/4, pp320-328, 2014
Links:  External link available

The use of e-government has increased in recent years, and many countries now use it to provide high quality services to their citizens. Thus, a number of studies have investigated user acceptance of e-government via the use of adoption models, such as the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. However, these models do not pay sufficient attention to security. In order to develop a more security-focused adoption model to investigate user acceptance of e-government, the security challenges that may inhibit the adoption of e-government must be understood. This paper considers these security challenges based on the end user's perspective and identifies the extent of the challenges. For example, 85.5% of those participating in the survey conducted by the authors of this paper agreed that there is a lack of user awareness. In addition, 62.4% of the participants believed that the role of culture is key in e-government security and, 49.8% were concerned about privacy when using e-government services.

Alharbi N, Papadaki M, Haskell-Dowland PS (Dowland PS)