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End-User Perception and Usability of Information Security
Zaaba ZF, Furnell SM, Haskell-Dowland PS (Dowland PS)
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2011), London, UK, ISBN: 978-1-84102-284-0, pp97-107, 2011
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This paper investigates users’ understanding of security features and application and examines
perceptions relating to usability. The study made use of an online survey consisting of five
sections and recruited a total of 564 participants. Respondents were presented with a range of
questions designed to measure their experience and knowledge of security. In addition, 2
scenarios were presented to respondents which examined their understanding of security
warnings and potential threats, including email phishing and a potentially fraudulent attack
through downloading an application. The survey results revealed that end-users are still
experiencing significant difficulties with understanding and reacting to current state-of-the-art
security applications, messages and potential threats. Furthermore, evidence suggests there is
a corresponding need for a novel approach to improve perception and usability of information

Zaaba ZF, Furnell SM, Haskell-Dowland PS (Dowland PS)