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Authentication and Supervision: A survey of user attitudes
Furnell SM, Haskell-Dowland PS (Dowland PS), Illingworth HM, Reynolds PL
Computers & Security, vol. 19, no. 6, pp529-539, 2000
Please note: the electronic copy of the survey referred to in this paper is no longer available.
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User authentication is a vital element in ensuring the secure operation of IT systems. In the vast majority of cases, this role is fulfilled by the password, but evidence suggests that this approach is easily compromised. Whilst many alternatives exist, particularly in the form of biometric methods, questions remain over the likely user acceptance. This paper presents the results of a survey that examines user attitudes towards a range of authentication and supervision techniques. It is concluded that whilst there is still an element of reluctance amongst users to depart from the familiar password based mechanisms, many are convinced of the need for improved authentication controls. The acceptability to users of various new techniques is variable, but many seem willing to consider a range of alternative methods.

Furnell SM, Haskell-Dowland PS (Dowland PS), Illingworth HM, Reynolds PL